Got questions for me?
Today I'm happy to launch a new feature for paid subscribers here at Copper Bottle: Author Q&A!
It's a pretty simple formula: I post a request for questions -- about craft, about the job, about writing life, about characters, etc etc. Paid subscribers (who have exclusive access to comments) drop their queries into the comments section. Within a couple weeks I'll write a new post answering a bunch of them.
I've become more and more protective of my time as a writer and a human being these days -- unresponsive on social media and rarely doing interviews. But if you've ever wanted to pick my brain, subscribing is a great way to do that -- and to support all of my creator-owned work!
This was a lot of fun to do and I'm hoping to post these at least once a month. So if you have a burning question or even just a silly one for the next edition, please drop it in the comments below. Attribution will be removed and questions may be edited lightly for clarity/length.
Ok, let’s get started!
I would love any and all insight into craft and technique, so - how does the writing process work for you? (I know that's a big topic; please feel free to answer however you wish!)
It is indeed a big question, but I think the biggest meta-point I would make about craft & technique is that they don't exist in a vacuum.